5th LaPlaSS - Laser-Plasma Summer School. 
4-7 September 2023, CLPU, Salamanca, Spain.

Deadline 31 of May to register for the school and apply for 40 scholarships funded by the COST Action (CA21128) PROBONO. 

5th LaPlaSS - Laser-Plasma Summer School. 
4-7 September 2023, CLPU, Salamanca, Spain.

Deadline 31 of May to register for the school and apply for 39 scholarships funded by the COST Action (CA21128) PROBONO. 

Short Term Scientific Mission (STSM) for the PROBONO Action is open for proposal applications from Researchers and Innovators  to visit a host organization located in a country other than the country of their affiliation, in order to carry out a specific mission for a determined period of time (e.g. participation to experiments, joint theoretical work, etc. …) relative to the Action objectives.

The first in person meeting of the Action will be held in Rethymno-Greece, on 28 April 2023, after the ECPD in which many of the Action members will participate.

It will include Core Group and Management Committee meetings, as well as selective presentations by Action members.

It will allow the Action participants to meet and know each other, establishing collaboration links and discussing about next steps of the Action.

More information

The Action welcome anyone who is involved or is interested in the PROBONO’s objectives to participate in.

You can have a long-term participation by applying to join any of the Working Groups that interest you.

Otherwise, you can participate ad-hoc in the open calls for Activities, such as workshops, training schools, seminars etc, organized by the Action.

Find out more: HOW TO JOIN

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