Acknowledging COST Action PROBONO (CA21128)
Please, acknowledge COST Action PROBONO (CA21128) in every output/publication related to it according to the COST Visibility Guidelines.
When you do so, send to the Action's Chair and the Grant Holder Manager the details of your publication. This is not only very important for the reporting and overall success of the Action but it will give more visibility to your research and publications since it will be published in our website and also shared through PROBONO’s communication network.
Whenever it is applied use the visual identity in publications and materials, please add PROBONO logo along to the COST logo and the EU eblem+text as well as links to their websites and
Please use the following Acknowledgment:
"This work has been carried out within the framework of the COST Action CA21128- PROBONO “PROton BOron Nuclear fusion: from energy production to medical applications”, supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology -"