The ProBoNO Action will aim at bringing together the main competences in the study of pB fusion, at an experimental, theoretical and computational level. The main objective is to develop an inter-disciplinary collaboration across many institutions and countries having similar interests and complementary capabilities in laser-plasma physics, nuclear physics, medical physics, fusion energy and accelerator technology. The main goal is to coordinate research at different laboratories, train staff and develop a deeper collaborative connection between the individual groups and their research. The individual partners excel at different activities and in various specializations, thus, by sharing these skills and knowledge, the Action will be able to push the field further ahead to the frontline of cutting edge science maximizing the production of new knowledge and breakthrough discoveries.

The Action will be organized in the following five (5) Working Groups (WG):

WG1: Training and dissemination

This WG addresses the training and dissemination activities of the Action. It will bring together people of different fields related to the Action in order to participate in the realization of activities such as training schools, workshops, seminars, informative videos, educational material, informative content for the website and the social networks.

WG2: Experiments: Proton boron and Towards the practical realization of compact laser-driven α-particle sources

This is the main experimental part of the Action and concerns the coordinated preparation of proposals and realization of experiments in laser facilities open to users. The WG will include all the experimentalists involved in the Action but there will be strong links with WGs 3, 4 and 5 in order to design and optimize experiments, and analyze results. Collaboration between laser, plasma, nuclear physicists and target development specialists will be realized within this WG. In order to realize the experimental program, contacts and agreements have already been established with various facilities.

This WG aims at summarizing all experimental, theoretical, practical results in order to build the basis for the development of compact laser-driven α-particle sources. This work will be conducted with the essential involvement of companies working on lasers, interaction chambers, diagnostics, targetry and, last but not least, the companies working in medical instrumentation.

WG3: Modelisation including development and optimization of numerical simulations

This WG addresses the “Challenge on development of adapted numerical simulation”. Researchers working on theory / simulations will work in this WG with a strong interaction with experimentalists in order to validate the needed code chain.

WG4: Development / optimization of advanced diagnostics for proton boron experiments

This WG addresses the “Challenge on development of Novel Diagnostics”. The work will take advantage of the synergy between plasma physicists and nuclear physicists. New developed diagnostics approach could eventually be engineered and bring to development of novel instruments and possibly release of patents

WG5: Targetry: development and detailed characterization of proton-boron targets

This WG addresses the “Challenge on Targetry” and will be based on cooperation of experimentalists and material scientists with an input from theory and simulation.