EXPIRED! COST Action PROBONO supported internship*, for MSc students, PhD candidates or PostDoc, to gain hands-on experience with tools and exeprimental procedures related to the Action's objectives. This intensihips will take place at Intistue of Plasma Physics and Lasers, of the Hellenice Mediterannean University in Rethymno, Greece, for a duration 2-3 weeks in Septmenber-October 2024.

* The applicants should affiliated to a legal entity in COST Full Member or Near Neighbour Country,  different from host's country.

How to apply:

 By e-mail to [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.] (cc to [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]) including CV, cover letter, and any relevant document by Friday 6/09/2024

EXPIRED! Do you want to see what it takes to be a part of a scientific team and get a taste of what it means to be a scientist?

Internship on "Analysis of alpha-particles tracks using CR-39 from laser-driven proton Boron experiments" at ELI in Chech Republic, for up to 4 weeks, supported by COST Action PROBONO.

 Shoot your shot and apply! 


EXPIRED! COST Action PROBONO (CA21128) organizes supported internships for MSc students, PhD candidates or early PostDoc, to obtain hands-on experience in laser systems, various diagnostics and experiments at different types of laser facilities collaborating with the Action.

For July 2024 there is oportunity to suppport interships of two-weeks duration at CLPU/Spain or IPPL/Greece.

The applicants for the internship should affiliated to a legal entity in Full/Cooperating Member, Near Neighbour Countries (NNC) or European RTD organisation, different from the country of hosting institution. See at  https://www.cost.eu/Country_Organisations_Table