EXPIRED! COST Action PROBONO supported internship*, for MSc students, PhD candidates or PostDoc, to gain hands-on experience with tools and exeprimental procedures related to the Action's objectives. This intensihips will take place at Intistue of Plasma Physics and Lasers, of the Hellenice Mediterannean University in Rethymno, Greece, for a duration 2-3 weeks in Septmenber-October 2024.

* The applicants should affiliated to a legal entity in COST Full Member or Near Neighbour Country,  different from host's country.

How to apply:

 By e-mail to [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.] (cc to [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]) including CV, cover letter, and any relevant document by Friday 6/09/2024


This internship focuses on the first phases development and optimization of a novel experimental setup for laser-driven ion acceleration in the near-critical density plasma regime (NCR). Optical tailoring of the high-pressure gas jet targets will be performed by ns multiple laser pulses produced blast waves (BWs). This short living dense target can be further irradiated by the super-intense laser pulses of the 45 TW Zeus laser system of the IPPL to accelerate ions/protons by the Magnetic Vortex Acceleration mechanism. State-of-the-art simulations show the capability of proton acceleration well above 10 MeV. This will provide high repetition rate (HRR), debris-free proton sources in contrast to target normal sheath acceleration (TNSA) or other laser-driven acceleration mechanisms on solid targets. This proton source will give a great advance in several applications such as hadron therapy and fusion studies based on proton fast ignition.

Key Responsibilities:

· Assist in the alignment and synchronization of multiple laser beams.
· Assist in the development and implementation of optical probing imaging diagnostics.
· Assist in the conducting preliminary tests to verify the alignment, synchronization, and functionality of the setup.

  • Assist in the parametric studies of the characterization of the evolution of the colliding blast waves
    · Maintain detailed records of alignment procedures, synchronization settings, diagnostic setups and test results.


· Basic of laser physics, plasma physics, and optical diagnostics.
· Willingness to learn experimental setup techniques.
· Effective written and verbal communication in English.
· Prior coursework or experience in experimental physics or engineering.
· Familiarity with laser systems and optical diagnostics.
· Interest for further studies/career in plasma physics or related fields.

Dates-duration & other info:

Two weeks at least, starting after 16 September 2024 and ending before 25 October 2024. The specific training activities will be tailored based on the timing and duration of intern's participation.Intern is responsible for ensuring for health insurance, as well as liability and accident insurance coverage, for the entire duration of the internship.

Contact person for the internship:

Ioannis Fitilis(mailto: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)  and Michael Tatarakis (mailto: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Please contact responsible persons at your earliest convenience.

How to apply:

By e-mail to [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.] (cc to [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]) including CV, cover letter, and any relevant document until Friday 6/09/2024

* The grant offered to the intern will be a maximum of 2500€. The applicant should affiliated to a legal entity in Full/Cooperating Member, Near Neighbour Countries (NNC) or European RTD organisation, different from the country of hosting institution.
See at 