On Thursday 2 of March, at 3pm CET, the 4th seminar in HB11-fusion entitled Development of Monte Carlo codes “adapted” for laser-matter experiments, is delivered by Alessandro Tentori from CEA, France.



HB11 S4 figureWe have developed a 3D Monte-Carlo (MC) model to study the hot electron transport in ionized or partially ionized targets, considering regimes typical to Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF). Electron collisions are modelled using a mixed simulation algorithm that considers both soft and hard scattering phenomena. Soft collisions are reproduced according to multiple scattering theories, i.e. considering the global effects of the scattering centers on the primary particle. Hard collisions are simulated considering a two-body interaction between the electron and a plasma particle. Appropriate differential cross sections (DCS) are implemented to correctly model scattering in ionized or partially ionized targets. In particular, an analytical form of DCS that describes a collision between an electron and a nucleus of a partially ionized atom in a plasma is proposed. The loss of energy is treated according to the continuous slowing down approximation (CSDA). The code will be implemented as a module in 3D hydrodynamic codes, opening the possibility of studying robust Shock Ignition (SI) schemes and allowing more precise interpretations of current experiments in planar or spherical geometries. In this regard, application of the plasma MC modelling to typical SI implosion suggests that hot electrons should not be a preheat concern if their Maxwellian temperature is lower than 25-30 keV, while the presence of populations at higher temperatures should be suppressed.
The seminar series is co-organized by COST Action PROBONO - CA21128 and HB11Energy