On Thursday, February 16, we will have the third seminar of the series, entitled Short pulse volume ignition, delivered by Hartmut Ruyhl from Marvel Fusion.
The seminar will begin at 4pm CET(!new time!)
Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83736162176?pwd=M3pDNjRydXVUM1lBMkVZNEJNL3JWZz09

A volume igniter based on short-pulse lasers and embedded nano-accelerators is discussed. It is capable of igniting mixed DT an pB fuels. Short-pulse laser technology can provide the power density, which is necessary for stable fast nonlinear laser power deposition required for fast volume heating to the ignition temperature kT at the energy amplification Q.
Keywords: short-pulse ignition, nuclear fusion, embedded nano-structured acceleration, advanced laser arrays
 S3 figure
Figure: 2D sketch of a 3D onion shell mixed fuel reactor design. As indicated by the black dots to reach the required ρR and confinement time Δτ accelerating layers DTpB (green) are repetitively interlaced with lower density absorbing layers of DTpB (blue disks) of variable ΔR and composition. The impinging laser pulses are depicted as grey disks. The explosion of a cluster of embedded nano-rods is depicted in the plot to the right. Each of the rods in the cluster can deliver a deposition power of up to 10 GW. Materials are deuterium - tritium compounds of boron.