5th LaPlaSS - Laser-Plasma Summer School.
4-7 September 2023, CLPU, Salamanca, Spain.
Deadline 31 of May to register for the school and apply for 39 scholarships funded by the COST Action (CA21128) PROBONO.
The registration period for LaplaSS is until the Wednesday 31 of May at the following link
There is NO FEE and there will be offered the oportunity for 29 scholarships upon request up to 530€/student funded by COST Action (CA21128) PROBONO
To apply for the schorarship you should:
- Participate in the Action ProBono (for this you need to register to the cost action at https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA21128)
- Pre-request financial support by sending an email with your CV and motivation letter to Prof. Dimitr Batani
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Deadline for schorarship application will pass on 22nd May 31 of May.