Short Term Scientific Mission (STSM) for the PROBONO Action is open for proposal applications from Researchers and Innovators  to visit a host organization located in a country other than the country of their affiliation, in order to carry out a specific mission for a determined period of time (e.g. participation to experiments, joint theoretical work, etc. …) relative to the Action objectives.

STSM applicants must be Action participants from a Full/Cooperating Member, Near Neighbour Countries (NNC) or European RTD organisation. They must be member of at least one WG of our Action. Applicants must be engaged in an official research program as a PhD Student or postdoctoral fellow or can be employed by, or affiliated to, an institution, organization or legal entity which has within its remit a clear association with performing research.
A STSM should specifically contribute to the PROBONO objectives.

We have fixed a maximum amount of STSM to 2000 € for “normal” STSM, i.e. for mission of the duration of 2-3 weeks inside Europe.
We can consider “exceptional cases” exceeding the 2000 € for mission outside Europe (US, Japan, …) or for very long STSM (more than one month). These cases should be discussed case by case…

The submission of proposals will be open in a continues basis, while their evaluation will be carried out regularly by the STSM Committee.

STSM should be normally requested 2 weeks before the starting of the mission (although motivated exceptions will be considered) and should apply through the e-COSt platform:

You can find more information at: