Type: Paper in repository
arXiv:2312.09923 [physics.atom-ph]

Authors: E. Djuissi, J. Boffelli, R. Hassaine, N. Pop, V. Laporta, K. Chakrabarti, M. A. Ayouz, J. Zs Mezei, I. F. Schneider

Subjects: Atomic Physics (physics.atom-ph); Plasma Physics (physics.plasm-ph)

Abstract: Our previous studies of dissociative recombination, and vibrational excitation/de-excitation of the BeH+ ion, based on the multichannel quantum defect theory, are extended to collision energies above the dissociation threshold, taking into account the vibrational continua of the BeH+ ion and, consequently, its dissociative excitation. We have also significantly increased the number of dissociative states of 2Π2Σ+ and 2Δ symmetry included in our cross section calculations, generating the most excited-ones by using appropriate scaling laws. Our results are suitable for modeling the kinetics of BeH+ in edge fusion plasmas for collision energies up to 12 eV.