On Thursday 30th January at 2PM CET in the series of HB11 web-seminars co-organized by PROBONO and HB11 Energy, Yashuhiko Sentoku representing Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University in Japan will deliver a talk entitled “Fast heatwave ignition for high gain laser fusion for IFE”.

 LINK: https://u-bordeaux-fr.zoom.us/j/85431893293?pwd=XyBmE6PgKNrT8KVzyUqrLby1NtlMIM.1


Fast Ignition (FI) is one of the high-gain laser fusion schemes, in which the ignition and heating are separated to reach the ignition state. However, FI has been assessed by short-pulse laser plasma experiments and has not been fully evaluated due to its low energy coupling with fast electrons. Here I present the efficient heating that appears when the heating laser pulse becomes a PW laser with a pulse length of more than a few picoseconds, using plasma particle simulations. Some speculations for future IFE are also presented.



Yasuhiko Sentoku got Ph. D in Engineering, Osaka University, Graduate School of Engineering (March 1999) . After working as postdoc in Japan for several years, he moved to US and worked as staff Scientist of General Atomics from 2002 to 2003. Then, he joined the Department of Physics, at the University of Nevada, Reno as a research assistant professor. Years later, he became a tenured full professor in 2011, enjoying a fly fishing in Truckee river and Pyramid lake . In 2016 he returned to Japan and became a professor of Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University. His research field is the high energy density physics, intense laser-matter interaction, and kinetic modeling of high density plasmas in relation to the laser fusion.