A new published paper for CA21128- PROBONO by Milan S. Dimitrijević, Magdalena D. Christova and Sylvie Sahal-Bréchot in Universe 2023, 9, 511

Keywords: Stark broadening; N VI; proton-boron fusion; line profiles; atomic data; atomic processes; line formation; DO white dwarfs; stellar atmospheres

Published by G. Milluzzo, F. Belloni, G. Petringa, V. Scuderi, L. Giuffrida, A. Velyhan, C. Verona, A. Picciotto, M. Rosinski, R. Catalano, M. Crivellari, J. Dostal, R. Dudzak, L. Juha, J. Krasa, M. Krupka, M. Krůs, G. Lanzalone, R. Leanza, C.G. Litrico, M. Pfeizer, F. Schillaci, S. Tudisco, D. Margarone, G.A.P. Cirrone in Journal of Instrumentation.

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