Published by K. Batani in Journal of Instrumentation.
Citation: K. Batani 2023 JINST 18 C09012
DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/18/09/C09012
Recent experiments with high-intensity lasers have shown record production of α-particles by irradiating boron-hydrogen targets. This opened the way to completely new studies on proton-boron fusion with multiple goals:
i) studies related to nuclear fusion. The proton-boron fusion reaction produces 3 α-particles and releases a large energy. It is considered an interesting alternative to deuterium-tritium fusion because it produces no neutrons, therefore no activation and radioactive wastes.
ii) generation of novel laser-driven α-particle sources. Laser-driven α-particle sources are promising for their potential high brightness while remaining compact. They could be used for multidisciplinary applications, including medical ones.
The COST Action CA21128 — PROBONO (PROton BOron Nuclear fusion: from energy production to medical applicatiOns) is the first international programme which aims at understanding the physics involved in laser-driven pB fusion, including the study of Equation of State of boron and boron compounds. Action's goals are to facilitate access to experimental infrastructures, maximize production of new knowledge, boost the career of young researchers by fostering opportunities for training, and finally interconnect researchers across countries building a well-organized community focused on pB research.
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